It seems to me that I have struck it kind of lucky with the friends that I have. Believe me, it has taken some time for me to get here and find people who like me for me. But I believe that I have come to that point where I could call on just about anyone of my friends and they would come. It really came to my attention just today when I spoke to a friend I hadn't really talked to in about 3-5 months. It was her 21st birthday yesterday and her party last night, but seeing as I now live in another state, I missed it. But she got on the internet and just started to talk to me. She had no idea what has been going on with me this last week, but she asked how I was and listened. It just really remided me that, even though I missed her birthday, and last time I tried to catch up with her, she was too busy. We are still there for each other. And if I picked up the phone right now, she would sit and talk to me for as long as it would take.
We all think too much and loose sight of what is really important. To me friendships and relationships are important, you have to look after them. But you have to look after them for them to survive. But most importantly you have to look after you. Because with youth you, there is nothing else. There is nothing wrong with being selfish every now then. Nothing wrong with saying YAY ME!
Do it, say YAY ME! IM GREAT! I AM WORTH ANYONE'S TIME!! WOOO! It feels great doesn't it. I figure that if you do it everyday, you will eventually be so ok with your self everything will fall into place.
Just, Be your self.
Bird-Uncaged out.
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