Friday, May 4, 2012

Busy Days, and Lazy nights!

If this is life, bring it on because I have not feel this good in... well ever since I can remember. It still hurts from the news I recieved earlier in the week but, you know what, it really isn't the end of the world. I would love to have the chance to get pregnant, but there are other ways of making our family grow if it come to that. I am open to adoption, as is my fiance, so I think we will get through it. No, I know that we will get through it.
On a completely different note, I had a proud daughter moment today. I called my mum to see how she was going on her holiday with family up north. She and Dad went up there because my uncle had organised for them to go yachting for a week or so. But when I called her this afternoon she told me that my cousin had organised for them all to go to Sea world and stay in the resort over night! I was so excited for her! Then she told me she had also gone a two rides!! I was stunned!! this is the woman who gets sick on a merry go round!! but apparently she took some of her seasickness medication and gave it a go!! I have to give some credit to my cousin for convincing her to do it, But she did! HER FIRST RIDES EVER!! YAY MUM!!!!
I have been quite busy lately and today I went into my new job for induction! It was very exciting! I am so much better if I keep myself busy, I am able to keep my mind away from things that might bring me down and I can focus on the positives in life!! And there are so many at the moment!
All I need to do is to look at how far I have actually come! I had been given news, like that I recieved this week, a year ago; I would have been suicidal. End of story. And this week, I have been able to pick myself up and get on with life. Sometimes its OK to pat your self on your back, and I allowing myself that!

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