Sunday, August 22, 2010

It is not often that I take the time to sit down and actually write what ever it is my mind throws at me. To tell the absolute truth, I rarely get the time these days. Between work, and school. I feel like I have no real life. Any time that I am not working, studying or sleeping, I am either travelling or reading. Sometimes I think reading is all that keeps me sane. I mean the best part about reading is that you leave the real world for just a little while and dive into a non-reality that, even though it is just words on a page, can most of the time make way more sense than anything in real life does. I sometimes get to the point where I just have to say to myself. Stop reading. You are getting lost in the book!! It just seems so much easier to bury my head in a book than it is face real life.
The same thing happens with some of the music I listen to. It just takes me to a whole other place. A place that seems more peaceful than anything that i could ever find in reality.
And dreams. sometimes it feels like all I wait for each day is to go to sleep so that I can dream of other things. Day dreaming is also something I take pleasure in. I am a huge Missy Higgins fan, and her music just... ahh, she can take me to somewhere. She is very good lyrically. As well as melodically. It just all fits together so well. I have been to two of her concerts now and I cant wait for what ever she has install for us next. 

If I had the money, I would jump on an aeroplane right now and fly to the UK. Jode's, I miss you something crazy. For everyone else, Jodie is one of the best friends anyone could ever ask for. She is amazing and beautiful and can lighten up even the darkest of my days.

Well... It is time I got some sleep. Off to the land of dreams for this little munchkin. 

love and light!
