Thursday, June 24, 2010


Afternoon all.
I am lying in bed about to drift off to sleep when I remembered the promise I made my self last night. So here I am fulfilling the promise and writing every day. I had a good day so far today. I went shopping with nana and mum. Nana is so funny to shop with! She is 76 and can't see very well. And today was especially bad as she had just had eye injections into her good eye! The poor darling was clinging to my arm for dear life! Then we go into a clothing shop and she decided that she likes a top I tried on and goes "That look lovely on you!! Do you want it? I'll buy it for you! It can be your bithday present!" The funniest bit is, my birthday isn't until October!! But she was so determined that I couldn't tell her no, then we went to the checkout where she had my mum swipe her card, then preceded to tell her, her pin number in front of everyone who was waiting in line, and the cashier! But you can't blame her! She couldn't see a thing!
I've decided that I am going to dye my hair chocolate brown, I am sick of blonde! Nans response to this... "You bloody idiot! What do you want to go and do that for?! You have lovely blonde hair!" She makes me laugh!!  She was even more hilarious the day I dyed it deep purple!!
Well people, I am knackered! Glandular fever will do that to you! I have been having stomach pains as well, but the doctor tells me that it is all just part of it! I WILL SURVIVE! I hope! here is pic of me  all snuggled up in my doona!!

Love and Light!


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